Saturday 14 February 2009

Vindicated! Again!

Brooker hits the right note again. I must point out that I've never seen Noels's HQ (what with me only having council digital), but I heard that rant - which I blogged about earlier in the week - on the Jeremy Vine show. They were discussing the case, not the rant.
Stop Edmonds now!


The Cat said...

The problem is that his 'renaissance' with "Deal or No Deal" and "Are You Smarter Than A Kid With No Life?" has given him a renewed power and carte blanche to do what he bloody likes. That, unfortunately, is not a good thing.

Don't worry, as soon as the first of his resurrected stunts backfires (it's bound to happen as his ego expands to planet-like preportions) he'll be off our screens for good. Sadly, they'll probably replace him with Shane Ritchie.

Bright Ambassador said...

I've happened to catch the last few minutes of Deal Or No Deal a few times this week to be confronted by Edmonds dressed as a hippy. I thought I was hallucinating until I realised I'd not dropped any acid recently.

I'm going to use Edmonds's patented 'cosmic ordering' trick to make him disappear.