This post was going to be a complete slagging of The Delicious Miss Dahl, which I watched for the first time last night. I gather the poor lass has got a big enough kicking for it as it is (look what happens when you let Jamie Oliver run his own production company), so I'll just leave you with a few random thoughts:
- Ruined rhubarb by putting it in Eton Mess
- Shepherd's pie made with those awful puy lentils?
- Poetry readings?
- Incredibly stodgy-looking blinis
- I hate smoked salmon so she wouldn't be dishing that up to me in the hope it would bring me onside
- Notice she didn't cook on the immaculate Aga - that's because everything would take days to cook and she's only got half an hour
- Dicking around in a second hand bookshop
- Dicking around in a railway station
- I still would though - and look at who she married, there's clearly no accounting for taste
Anyway, I heard this song on the radio today. I remember it getting loads of play in our house when we were kids because Mum had it on a country compilation album called, you guessed it, Country Life. I reckon she loved it because she knew all the words. Hearing it today, for the first time in years, made me realise that it's clearly about al fresco shagging. I hope she didn't love it so much because it brought back happy memories of her callow youth. Still, it's a great song.