Friday 1 May 2009

Why I love KT Bush

Jesus, this is so off it's head, but it's brilliant. Can you imagine Lady GaGa, Kylie Minogue or Beyonce Knowles doing - or even being allowed to do - something like this? Thought not.

The opening number's worth the price of admission alone. Completely doolally.
Edit: Just to add, whoever came here by typing this into Google "how shit is mark and lisa tarbuck" may I suggest you trot off and never come back. I just bet it's Steve Wright.


Valentine Suicide said...

She's great isn't she, the Kate Bush.
I wonder what she thinks when she looks back at that?

I don't think Peter Gabriel was EVER that young though?

Hawkfall said...

Is that the 1979 TV Show? iPlayer won't let foreign johnnies like me watch stuff.

I was watching the Ziggy Stardust concert a while back and thinking "I bet no one thought back then that 30 years on, pop stars would be so dull". Goes for this too.

Everybody focuses on Hounds of Love; I think it is her best one, but there's a lot to be said for early Kate; those first records don't get the credit they deserve.

Bright Ambassador said...

"Is that the 1979 TV Show?"

Yes, it is.